Hi, I’m SJ Covey

Talk about how Covid was a blessing because of teh time it saved you in travel and how it gave you the time to write. I am also the winner of X competition and a featured writer for Vocal, with published work available on Amazon etc.I’m also writing daily short stories for my newsletter aboyr my two favorite chracters. Click here to learn more and sign up. 

You can fin me spending my time on Twitter 

More about my 5-book deal ‘The Order’

So talk about what the story is about and why the reader will enjoy these stories and what inspired them.

Also give a litte teaser about the next books in the chapter.

  • Book 1 – The Order – Families
  • Book 2 – The Order – 
  • Book 3 – The Order – 
  • Book 4 – The Order – 
  • Book 5 – The Order –

Share about other short stories that have spun off from writing these books and link to them if they are published anywhere, or on the website under the stories area.

Also talk about the stories you have had publised, tease to read more and then take about your writing for vocal and how you have won awards, got paid and publihsed joint venture books. 

About Me

Here are a few notable things about me…

Published author of two books called ‘this book and that book

  • #No.1 Amazon best seller for 14 weeks
  • Add another notable achievement with the books
  • Award winner for Vocal

Creator of the 7 Short Story Newsletter
  • Over 7086 readers get the daily VSS stories
  • ADd something ekse here
  • And one more point added here

My full time day job

Chief Operating Officer at PIWA, a fast growth financial services wealth mamagment firm helping high profile clients invest intelligently and ethically. 

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